Picture the vast landscapes, colorful auroras, and unique beauty of Scandinavia. Our consummate list of top Scandinavian baby names and their meanings is a treasure of the scenic majesty of the region, along with powerful baby names, that we believe will inspire you!

Drawing from their Old Norse origins and enriched by their Germanic heritage, Scandinavian baby names have been interleaved with foreign influences—especially Greek, Latin, and Celtic.
Names like Sofie, Victoria, and Kari vividly showcase the colorful tapestry of these beautiful names.
Furthermore, there is a rich plethora of Scandinavian names derived from Old Norse mythology in their modern variants and derivatives, as these names have held out the test of time.
From names imbued with silky-hued sounds to more traditionally warriorlike, we’ve got you covered.
Here they are: lustrous and beautifully inspiring, these are the top Scandinavian baby names and their meanings:
Scandinavian names for girls:
Alva: Of Norse origin, meaning “elf.”
Annika: Of Swedish origin, Annika is a Scandinavian variation of Anna.
Asta: Of Norse origin and a diminutive of Astrid.
Astrid: Of Norse origin, meaning “divine strength, star-like and loved.”
Bente: Of Scandinavian origin and a form of Benedict, meaning “blessed.”
Berit: Of Scandinavian origin ─ derived from Birgit ─ meaning “strong.”
Birgit: Of Norse origin, meaning “strong.”
Dagmar: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “day maid.”
Dagny: Of Norse origin, meaning “new day.”
Ditte: Of Danish origin, and a diminutive of Edith, meaning “prosperous in war.”
Edda: Of Norse origin, meaning “great grandmother.”
Elin: Of Swedish origin, meaning “shining light.”
Freya: Of Norse origin, belonging to a Norse Goddess, Freya means “a noble woman.”
Gunilla: Of Swedish origin, meaning “battle maiden.”
Hedvig: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “warfare.”
Helga: Of Norse origin, meaning “holy, blessed.”
Helle: Of Norse origin and a variant of Helga.
Hilda: Of Norse origin, meaning “battle woman.”
Iben: Of Danish origin, meaning “yew tree.”
Idun: Of Norse origin, explicitly related to youth and springtime.
Ingeborg: Of Norse origin, meaning “Ing’s fortress or Ing's protection.”
Inger: Of Norse origin, meaning “Ing is beautiful.”
Ingrid: Of Norse origin, meaning “Ing’s beauty.”
Jorunn: Of Norse origin, meaning “love of horses.”
Jytte: Of Danish origin, derived from Judith, meaning “woman from Judea.”
Kajsa: Of Swedish origin, derived from Katherine, meaning “pure.”
Karin: Of Swedish origin, and also a Scandinavian form of Katherine, meaning “pure.”
Kirsten: Of Scandinavian origin, a form of Christine, meaning “Christian.”
Kirstine: Of Danish origin, a form of Christine, meaning “Christian.”
Linnea: Of Swedish origin, meaning “twinflower.”
Liv: Of Norse origin, meaning “life.”
Liva: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “life.”
Lovisa: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “famous warrior.”
Majken: Of Scandinavian origin, a diminutive of Mary, meaning “bitter.”
Moa: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “mother.”
Nanna: Of Norse origin, meaning “daring, brave.”
Nilsine: Of Scandinavian origin, the feminine form of Nils, meaning “people’s victory.”
Ragna: Of Norse origin, meaning “advice, decision.”
Rikke: Of Danish origin, Rikke is a form of Richard, meaning “brave ruler.”
Runa: Of Norse origin, meaning “secret tradition.”
Sif: Of Norse origin, a goddess in Norse mythology.
Signe: Of Norse origin, meaning “new victory.”
Sigrid: Of Norse origin, meaning “beautiful victory.”
Siri: Of Norse origin, meaning “beautiful, victorious.”
Solveig: Of Norse origin, meaning “strong house.”
Steen: Of Danish origin, meaning “stone.”
Tora: Of Norse origin, meaning “thunder.”
Tove: Of Scandinavian origin, derived from the Old Norse name Tófa, meaning “beautiful like Thor” or beloved of Thor.”
Ulfhild: Of Norse origin, meaning “wolf battle.”
Ulla: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “will, determination.”
Vibeke: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “little woman.”
Vilda: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “wild.”
Viveka: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “battle, fight.”
Ylva: Of Norse origin, meaning “she-wolf.”
Yrja: Of Norse origin, meaning “good weather.”
Yrsa: Of Norse origin, meaning “wild, she-bear.”
Scandinavian names for boys:
Aage: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “ancestor.”
Agnar: Of Norse origin, meaning “ruler with the sword.”
Agner: Of Norse origin, meaning “edge of a sword.”
Anders: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “strong and manly.”
Birk: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “birch tree.”
Bjarne: Of Norse origin, meaning “bear.”
Bjorn: Of Swedish origin, meaning “bear.”
Clas/Klas: Of Swedish origin and a Scandinavian version of Nicholas, meaning “people’s victory.”
Dag: Of Norse origin, meaning “day.”
Ebbe: Of Norse origin, meaning “strong, brave boar.”
Eluf: Of Norse origin, meaning “only descendant, sole heir.”
Erik: Of Norse origin, meaning “eternal ruler.”
Erling: Of Norse origin, meaning “descendant.”
Finnur: Of Norse origin, meaning “from Finland, Sámi.”
Folke: Of Norse origin, meaning “people.”
Frej: Of Norse origin, the God of fertility in Norse mythology.
Frode: Of Norse origin, meaning “wise, clever.”
Frodi: Of Norse origin, meaning "wise, learned."
Gerd: Of Norse origin, meaning “enclosure.”
Gorm: Of Norse origin, meaning “attentive.”
Gosta: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “staff of the gods.”
Gull: Of Norse origin, meaning “gold.”
Gustav: Of Swedish origin, meaning “staff of the Goths.”
Halvar: Of Norse origin, meaning “rock defender.”
Helmer: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “warrior’s wrath.”
Inge: Of Norse origin, referring to and inspired by the god Ing.
Ivar: Of Norse origin, meaning “archer.”
Jarl: Of Norse origin, meaning “chief.”
Johan: Of Scandinavian origin and another form of John, meaning “God is gracious.”
Keld: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “spring, fountain.”
Knut: Of Norse origin, meaning “knot.”
Lars: Of Scandinavian origin, a form of Laurence, meaning “from Laurentum.”
Leif: Of Norse origin, meaning “descendant,” “heir.”
Leif: Of Norse origin, meaning “heir, descendant.”
Lennart: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “lion strength.”
Loki: Of Norse origin, a trickster god in Norse mythology.
Mogens: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “great.”
Nils: Of Scandinavian origin, a form of Nicholas, meaning “people’s victory.”
Odd: Of Norse origin, meaning “sharp end of an arrow or edge of a blade.”
Odin: Of Norse origin, the chief god in Norse mythology. The name means "lord of frenzy."
Olav: Of Norse origin, meaning “ancestor’s descendant.”
Olof: Of Norse origin, meaning “ancestor’s heirloom.”
Orvar: Of Norse origin, meaning “arrow.”
Ove: Of Norse origin, meaning “edge of a sword.”
Palle: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “little.”
Preben: Of Scandinavian origin, meaning “first battle.”
Ragnar: Of Norse origin, meaning “warrior or judgment of the gods.”
Rolf: Of Norse origin, meaning “famous wolf.”
Rune: Of Norse origin, meaning “secret.”
Sigurd: Of Norse origin, meaning “guardian victory.”
Stellan: Of Swedish origin, meaning “calm.”
Stian: Of Norse origin, meaning “wanderer.”
Stig: Of Swedish origin, meaning “path, trail.”
Sven: Of Swedish origin, meaning “young man.”
Tage: Of Danish origin, possibly meaning “day.”
Thor: Of Norse origin, the thunder god in Norse mythology, which means "thunder."
Tord: Of Norse origin, derived from the elements 'thor' meaning thunder, thunder god, and 'fridr' meaning peace, beautiful, fair (In some parts of Norway (Nordafjells) Tord is a name for the devil).
Trond: Of Norse origin, meaning “to grow.”
Udd: Of Norse origin, meaning “point.”
Ulf: Of Norse origin, meaning “wolf.”
Vidar: Of Norse origin, meaning “wide warrior.”
Viggo: Of Norse origin, meaning “war, battle.”
Yngvar: Of Norse origin, meaning “protected by Yngvi”
Yngve: Of Norse origin, meaning “first man.”
We also have a dedicated list about Scandinavian boy names.
Scandinavian names of foreign origin
Girl names
Agnes: Of Greek origin, meaning “pure, holy.”
Alice: Of German origin, meaning “noble.”
Anita: Of Spanish origin, meaning “grace.”
Anna: Of Hebrew origin, meaning “grace.”
Carina: Of Latin origin, meaning “dear little one.”
Cecilie: Of Latin origin, meaning “blind.”
Christina: Of Greek origin, meaning “a Christian.”
Clara: Of Latin origin, meaning “clear, bright.”
Dorte: Of Greek origin and derived from Dorothy, meaning “gift of God.”
Ebba: Of German origin, popular in Scandinavia, meaning “strong.”
Eira: Of Welsh origin, meaning “snow.” With its Old Norse origins, this name means also "merciful."
Elinor: Of Greek origin, meaning “shining light.”
Ellen: Of Greek origin, meaning “sun ray.”
Elsa: Of Hebrew origin and a diminutive of Elizabeth, meaning “God is my oath.”
Elvira: Of Gothic origin, meaning “all true.”
Emilia: Of Latin origin, meaning “rival.”
Eva: Of Hebrew origin, meaning “life.”
Felicia: Of Latin origin, meaning “lucky.”
Frida: Of German origin, meaning “peaceful.”
Greta: Of German origin and a diminutive of Margaret, Greta means “pearl.”
Ida: Of German origin, meaning “industrious.”
Katrine: Of Greek origin, meaning “pure.”
Lise: Of Hebrew origin, a form of Elisabeth, meaning “pledged to God.”
Lotte: Of German origin, a diminutive of Charlotte, meaning “free man.”
Maja: Of Latin origin, popular in Scandinavia, a form of Maia, meaning “great.”
Malin: Of Latin and Scandinavian origin, which is a form of Magdalene or Helene, meaning “woman from Magdala.”
Maren: Of Latin origin, meaning “sea.”
Marta: Of Aramaic origin, meaning “lady.”
Matilda: Of German origin, meaning “mighty in battle.”
Mette: Of Hebrew origin, a form of Martha, meaning “lady.”
Naja: Of Greenlandic origin, meaning “a boy's younger sister.”
Nora: Of Latin origin, meaning “honor.”
Petra: Of Greek origin, meaning “rock, stone.”
Pia: Of Latin origin, meaning “pious.”
Sanna: Of Hebrew origin, meaning “lily.”
Selma: Of Arabic origin, meaning “secure.”
Sofia: Of Greek origin, popular in Scandinavia, meaning “wisdom.”
Sofus: Of Greek origin ─ a form of Sofia ─ meaning “wisdom.”
Therese: Of Greek origin, meaning “harvester.”
Vera: Of Slavic origin, popular in Scandinavia, meaning “faith.”
Wilma: Of German origin, popular in Scandinavia, meaning “will helmet, protection.”
Boy names
Albin: Of Latin origin, meaning “white, bright.”
Alfred: Of English origin, meaning “wise counselor.”
Anton: Of Latin origin, meaning “priceless.”
Axel: Of Hebrew origin, meaning “father of peace.”
Bent: Of Latin origin, coming from Benedict and meaning “blessed.”
Bertil: Of German origin and popular in Sweden, meaning “bright ruler.”
Casper: Of Persian origin, meaning “treasurer.”
Christoffer: Of Greek origin, meaning “bearing Christ.”
Claus: Of Greek origin, this name is a variant of Nicholas, meaning “people’s victory.”
David: Of Hebrew origin, meaning “beloved.”
Edvard: Of Old English origin, meaning “wealth, fortune; guard.”
Emil: Of Latin origin, meaning “rival.”
Filip: Of Greek origin, meaning “lover of horses.”
Frederik: Of German origin, meaning “peaceful ruler.”
Goran: Of Slavic origin ─ though a popular name in Scandinavia ─ Goran means “farmer.”
Hans: Of German origin, meaning “God is gracious.”
Henning: Of German origin, meaning “home ruler.”
Henrik: Of German origin, meaning “home ruler.”
Isak: Of Hebrew origin, meaning “he will laugh.”
Janne: Of Hebrew origin – a version of John – meaning “God is gracious.”
Jens: Of Hebrew origin, Jens is quite popular in Scandinavia. It is derived from John, meaning “God is gracious.”
Jesper: Of Persian origin, meaning “treasurer.”
Jorgen: Of Greek origin, meaning “farmer.”
Karl: Of German origin, meaning “free man.”
Lauritz: Of Latin origin, a form of Lawrence, meaning “from Laurentum.”
Ludvig: Of German origin, meaning “famous warrior.”
Lukas: Of Greek origin, meaning “from Lucania.”
Magnus: Of Latin origin, meaning “great.”
Martin: Of Latin origin, meaning "of Mars" or “warlike.”
Mathias: Of Hebrew origin, a form of Matthew, meaning “gift of God.”
Mikael: Of Hebrew origin, meaning “who is like God?”
Mikkel: Of Hebrew origin, a form of Michael, meaning “who is like God?”
Nathaniel: Of Hebrew origin, meaning “God has given.”
Niklas: Of Greek origin, a form of Nicholas, meaning “people’s victory.”
Nikolaj: Of Greek origin, popular in Scandinavia, a form of Nicholas, meaning “people’s victory.”
Noel: Of French origin, popular in Scandinavia, meaning “Christmas.”
Oscar: Of Old English origin, meaning “God's spear,” "deer-lover" or "champion warrior."
Otto: Of German origin, popular in Scandinavia, meaning “wealth.”
Patrik: Of Latin origin, meaning “nobleman.”
Peder: Of Greek origin, a form of Peter, meaning “rock.”
Rasmus: Of Greek origin, meaning “beloved.”
Rikard: Of German origin, meaning “powerful ruler.”
Verner: Of German origin, meaning “defending army” or "protector."
Vilhelm: Of German origin, meaning “resolute protector.”
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the rarest Scandinavian baby name?
In the rich tapestry of Scandinavian culture, some names, deeply steeped in ancient Norse mythology and history, have become less common in modern times, yet they are culturally significant.
That said, here are some uncommon or older Scandinavian names that deeply link to the region’s mythological and historical heritage, tracing their origins to ancient times:
Scandinavian baby boy names:
Ormr: Snake or Dragon
Åsmund: God's protection
Eyvindr: Island wind
Sigfús: Victory-eager
Ragnar: Warrior or judgment warrior
Thor: God of thunder
Torben: Thor and bear
Tor: God of thunder
Scandinavian baby girl names:
Hervör: Legendary heroine
Sunniva: Sun gift
Embla: Elm tree or first woman in Norse mythology.
Astrid: Divinely beautiful.
Signe/Signy: New victory.
Ingrid: Beautiful, beloved.
Freyja: Lady or noblewoman.
Liv: Protection or life in modern Scandinavian languages.
Eir: Peace or mercy.
Solveig: Sun strength or house of strength.
Don't miss our complete list with more than 70 Scandinavian girl names.
What is the number 1 Norwegian name?
For the year 2022, the official statistics from Norway's National Statistics Office (Statistisk sentralbyrå, or SSB) highlighted the following:
For girls, the most popular name was Nora with its variants Norah and Noora also being quite prevalent.
For boys, Jakob and Noah, along with their variants Jacob and Noa, respectively, topped the charts as the most favored names.
What's a common Viking name?
The influence of the Viking Age on some modern Scandinavian names is unmistakable; whether bearing the badges of fearless warriors or honoring ancient Gods and natur
Below are some common Viking names, steeped in mythos:
Male Viking Names:
Erik: "Eternal ruler."
Leif: "Explorer."
Bjorn: "Bear."
Ragnar: "Warrior" or "Judgment warrior."
Sigurd: "Victory guardian."
Female Viking Names:
Astrid: "Divinely beautiful."
Freya/Freyja: "A noble woman" (referring to the Norse Goddess).
Ingrid: "Beautiful, beloved."
Gudrun: "God's secret lore."
Helga: "Holy" or "Blessed."
What is a Nordic name?
A Nordic name technically originates from the Nordic countries, which include Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Nordic names are often rooted in the Old Norse language, influenced by Viking history, Scandinavian mythology, and the unique languages and cultures of these regions.
Check out some beautiful Nordic names for your little king:
Freja/Freyja: "Love and beauty."
Elin: "Torch" or "moon."
Astrid: "Divinely beautiful."
Ingrid: "Beautiful, beloved."
Saga: "Story" or "tale."
Sofia/Sofie: "Wisdom."
Emilia: "Rival" or "eager."
Lilja: "Lily."
Venla: Traditional Finnish name.
Ida: "Industrious" or "work."
Erik: "Eternal ruler."
Oliver: "Elf warrior."
Noah: Biblical name.
Oscar/Oskar: "Deer friend" or "God's spear."
Liam: "Helmet of will."
Johan: "God is gracious."
Axel: "Father of peace."
Elias: "Yahweh is God."
Magnus: "Great."
Jón: "God is gracious."
Final thoughts
Finally, Scandinavian names are the treasury of a prodigious heritage; there is a touch of ancient folklore which makes them a pledge of a rich historical ancestry, proud to belong!